Courageous Acts
Lead to
Bold Results
Courageous Acts
Lead to Bold Results
Whether I’m sharing my life story or explaining how to implement proven wellness strategies, I approach every presentation with a single goal – to empower people with the knowledge they need to transform their world.
My presentations are both entertaining and educational, combining neuroscience with my business experience and hard-earned life lessons.
This unique blended perspective deepens their understanding of mental health and gives them valuable tools to build belonging through authentic human connection and foster inclusive spaces.

Dr. Samra Zafar, MD
International Keynote Speaker, Bestselling Author, Physician, Authentic Leadership and Wellness Expert

The Science of Authentic Leadership
How to Lead with Emotional Intelligence while Embracing Artificial Intelligence
A recent study reported that 85% of employees believe AI will impact their jobs in the next few years, leaving them anxious and uncertain about their future. At the same time, many leaders are reporting higher rates of burnout and imposter syndrome, as they deal with challenges they were never trained for. This emotional rollercoaster can be a significant impediment to transformation success if not addressed correctly.
This is a time for leaders to double down on the things that are inherently and boldly human — emotional intelligence, authenticity, vulnerability, connection, and courage. Adopting an AI-enhanced, human-centered leadership approach and prioritizing well-being initiatives that prevent burnout is a powerful combination that enables leaders and teams to thrive while embracing transformation.
In this keynote, I will show leaders how to strengthen their emotional and relational intelligence skills, so they are better positioned to harness the benefits of technological capabilities while ensuring their teams feel supported and understood during periods of change.

The Power of Incremental Courage
How to Live and Lead with Boldness
If you browse through the wellness section of your local bookstore, you’ll probably find a huge stack of books that promise to help you become “fearless.”
Whenever I see these titles, I cringe. These books are selling people a myth.
I have made many bold decisions in my life. I left an abusive arranged marriage. I faced the terrors of poverty as a single mother putting herself through university. I gave up a successful career in finance to become a psychiatrist. And in each instance, I was anything but fearless.
The truth is that there’s no such thing as “fearlessness.” It is natural for us to feel fear when we do something new or different. If we didn’t feel fear in such moments, then we would be robots – not human beings.

Resilience Redefined
Become Your Biggest Ally
When it comes to resilience, many people take a reactive approach. You could sum up their mindset with the phrase “work hard to play hard.”
First, they log crazy hours at their jobs, constantly hopping from one stressful situation to another. When they’re on the verge of burnout, they treat themselves to a “mental health” spa day or a night out on the town. And then they start the cycle all over again.
Is it any wonder that our mental health crisis isn’t going away?
The solution to this problem is simple: we need to redefine resilience.
In this transformative keynote, you’ll discover why resilience – the ability to weather life’s inevitable storms – is the fruit of proactive behaviors and habits.

The Workplace of Belonging
Cultivating a Positive Employee Experience for Higher Performance and Better Business Outcomes
Every business leader wants their workplace to be an environment of high performance. What many people don’t realize, however, is that a culture of belonging is a prerequisite to productivity, creativity, and innovation.
In this illuminating keynote, you’ll discover how to foster a culture of empathy and belonging – one that welcomes and celebrates the intersecting identities of all your employees.
You’ll also learn the science behind motivation: why we’re unmotivated when we feel excluded or overlooked and why inclusive practices are the key to nurturing your employees’ creativity, confidence and resilience. This knowledge will equip you to unlock your team’s highest potential by cultivating an environment where diverse voices are welcomed and sought after.

Blaze Your Own Trail
Break Through Past Limits to Transform Your Future
Each and every person needs to be seen and respected for who they really are.
However, we grow up surrounded by subliminal messages telling us that who we are is not enough. “Just be normal,” they say. “Get a university degree. Find a prestigious job. Meet the love of your life. Get married. Buy a house. Have two kids and adopt a dog. Follow this checklist, and you’ll be happy!”
Spoiler alert: this promised happiness often doesn’t come.
If this narrative feels all too familiar, I have good news: you don’t need to be “normal” to be seen, heard, and respected. Showing up as your true, authentic self is the best thing you can do – both for yourself and for the rest of the world.

DEI: Beyond Checklists & Buzzwords
How to Bring Equity to Life in Your Workplace
These days, words like “diversity,” “equity,” and “inclusion” are thrown around so much that we don’t even know what they mean any more. We think that they’re describing good things, but we’re not sure what they look like or how to actually bring them to life.
In this enlightening keynote, I will expand your knowledge so you can make DEI more than just a poster in your HR office. You’ll learn what these terms actually mean and how they’re often practiced in harmful ways that work against their intent. Moreover, I will give you practical tools so you can bring these concepts to life in all levels of your workplace.
As a result, you and your team will be equipped to learn and practice true allyship – the kind of behaviours that go beyond term-dropping and empty promises. Because when DEI stops being a buzzword and becomes simply the way you operate, your entire team will prosper and flourish.

The neuroscience of belonging and why it’s the key to our mental health

How to cultivate authenticity

How to befriend your imposter syndrome